Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas Catus?

I have a Christmas cactus just sits on the top of the fridge I put water on it been sitting there for a year any thing I can do to have it bloom? how much water does it need per a week?

Christmas Catus?
Here is what I do for mine and it blooms every year. Find a nice shady spot outside in the spring and leave it there until Autumn and the temps reach about 40 degrees at night. Once temps fall to near freezing, bring it inside and place it in a location that is rarely used where it will get more dark than light. I keep mine in my bathroom. It's not that my bathroom is rarely used it's just that my husband and I have a habit of not turning the lights on unless needed. Anyhow, I let mine get whatever natural light it gets from our west facing window and then it gets pure darkness at night time. That's all I do and it blooms yearly. Lower temps and more dark than light is all you need to get them to bloom. Once it blooms just move it to a location where it can be appreciated.

Good Luck
Reply:I let mine dry out slightly between waterings. To get it to bloom, I water it a little one day then the next I give it half strength fertilizer ( Bloom Booster). Put it in a sunny area and it will begin to form buds in no time.
Reply:Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cactus require a limited amount of sun to produce flowers.

About 6 weeks before you want it to bloom put it in a closet and forget about it. When you bring it out, water it and before you know it the plant will be covered in blooms.

Kalochoe and poinsettias are other plants that require lower light levels to bloom. This happens naturally as the days become shorter, but if the plants are in rooms with lights the dark cycle is broken.
Reply:Poor little plant. Next spring, after there is no danger of frost, put it outside where you won't forget to water it! and feed it once a week. At the end of summer, bring it in and put it somewhere light, reduce watering and it should flower. I think it has insufficient light, air and food where it is
Reply:water less often about 2 months before desiered flowering. try to provide coller temperatures. Also only give 6 hours of sunlight.

christmas cactus are hard to get to bloom, but if you follow all of these steps you should get it to.
Reply:Well, it's not really the water that you should be concerned about....

You really don't need to water it much at all, about once a week, and definately put it in a sunny place. They don't call it a christmas CACTUS for nothing you know.
Reply:A Christmas Catus needs to be in the dark too ...and then sunlight but not alot of sunlight....

My grandmother taught me to put apple peels around the plant...yes..this really works in helping it bloom mine blooms twice a year now.....but your Christmas Catus should bloom next year if you do this.

Give it less light and dark too...and less water.

Good luck and be paitent!!
Reply:To set blooms they have to be either:

left outside until temps reach 50-55F or,

left in a dark place for 10-12 hours each day for 2-1/2 months before Christmas. You could put it in a closet every night beginning in mid-October to provide periods of uninterrupted darkness.
Reply:I've had mine for over 25's huge.It sits beside

a south facing window.I never move it,just turn it twice a year.

I feed it all summer, every time I water it.In october, I stop the feeding and let it wilt.Then start to water it again.No more feeding till next spring.It has flowered every year.Water it when it looks like it needs it.You won't kill it from underwatering,but it will die from overwatering.
Reply:It also probably get a lot of heat off of that refrigerator..

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