Saturday, November 14, 2009

Need plant rescue please?

The leaves on my Christmas Cactus plant are all limp as if they've been overwatered, but I've been careful not to do that. What could be causing it? They are green and healthy looking, just limp.

Need plant rescue please?
Carefully pull the plant out of the pot. Examine the roots very closely. Look for how thick the roots are in the soil on the bottom. Is the moisture completely over the soil, or just in spots? Is the soil too wet? Has the plant been exposed to any sudden changes in it's environment, such as extreme heat, or sun, or humidity coupled with over watering?

What ever you do, don't fertilize. Don't water until you check all of these things. You have a chance to correct the problem, once you see what is wrong. Most problems that you describe, start with the soil, and the roots. The Christmas Cactus likes to dry out between watering. So, only water after you check the soil, and determine that it has dried out enough to need water.
Reply:If it is the cactus I am thinking of it is Opuntia. Depending on where you live and the soil you use, these things grow like crazy. I live in Texas and have transplanted about 40 cuttings. They have limp leaves in the beginning stages and start to morph over time. All mine are outside in 95+ hot humid weather. Maybe the pot is crowded, or plant needs to be repotted.
Reply:I agree with Joeman.
Reply:Are they out side or in side. Try putting them outside in a shady area. Water when dry. I hope they come back for you.
Reply:did they get super hot all of a sudden,
Reply:They need light but not direct sunlight.
Reply:How long has the plant been in its current pot. It could need to be repotted. If so go 2 inches larger than current pot and succulent need to be watered only once a week. Use a cactus and succulent mix to repot. Hope this helps.
Reply:let it dry out, no water especially after flowering.
Reply:This happened to me. too. I removed the plant from the pot and rrepotted it with new soil(cactus soil) after thoroughly cleaning the pot. Couldn't find anything wrong with the plant roots or the old soil. Plant dropped a few of the wilted segments but is recovering nicely now. Thinking it could have been something environmental..Use a mooisture meter when watering. If meter says dry at the bottomof the pot give the plant a tiny amount of water and check with meter the next day. Make sure drain holes in pot are clear and never let plant sit in the water in the drain dish.
Reply:Is it getting enough sunlight and in the right temperature to grow, if it is inside this time of year your a/c might be making the climate around it too cool....

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