Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why didn't my Christmas cactus ever bloom?

It did last year. This year, no signs. I even put it overnight in a dark closet because I read that was supposed to help! Is it done? :(

Why didn't my Christmas cactus ever bloom?
Hi, I've had a few that didn't bloom for me, too.

Pleases take a look at this site, maybe next year or sooner you may have better results.

Hope this helps,

Reply:You Welcome.

I hope you have better results soon.

Take Care,

Dave Report It

Reply:This year, North America has experienced far more warmth than any other ever recorded. It's playing havok with all sorts of creatures. The Canada Geese are still in the North, Horses and other furry animals have already shed thier winter coats... it's going to be disatrous.
Reply:i have one too, and it got tons of blooms on it this year, cause i kept it in my sunny sunroom/dining room i have. but that room gets colder in winter, and i think the cold started making my blooms fall off, so next yr. i will for sure bring it to the warmer spot of the house.....last year i kept it in the warmer spots.
Reply:Christmas cactus NEVER bloomed for me, until I moved to a place where they had a 'cool' but EXTREMELY SUNNY southern 'view' ... and then they bloomed like CRAZY. But, they did it in 'alternating years' ... so if you got NO blooms, but you have it in a sunny spot, then it may be 'done forever' ... keep it and try again next year ... and get another one that did bloom this year ... that way you'll probably get one of them to bloom EVERY year, alternating... but if it doesn't bloom for five years then 'put it out to pasture' or give it to someone who loves it without the blossoms, because it may just be 'too old' ...

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