Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do you get an indoor Christmas cactus to bloom?

Shorter days, cooler environment! I keep my catcus outside all summer (not in direct sunlight), at the sign of first frost I bring it in,(which I did yesterday). It is covered with little buds, so I expect it will be flowering by December. I have had this cactus for 7 years, it is huge, in spite of the fact that I have halfed it many times to share with people. They too, are also enjoying the flowers at Christmas.

How do you get an indoor Christmas cactus to bloom?
I have a friend that put theirs in a room on the North side ,cooler and shorter light period is what they think makes it bloom, it seems to be doing great.
Reply:Sun and PLENTY of water. Folks often make the mistake of under watering cacti. PS. You can propagate by pinching the "leaves" singularly and placing them in a small pot. Keep your cactus in smaller pots so that they become"root bound" and will flower sooner. A single "leaf" will even flower. No fertilizers needed, just plenty of water.
Reply:It blooms around Christmas early January. Just keep it healthy with miminun watering and a little fertilizer keep in a sunny area and it will bloom it is one of the easist plant to keep.
Reply:I believe they respond to the shortening of the days, so if you want it to bloom at Christmas, put it someplace where it will only get light during daylight hours and not be messed up by lamps turned on at night. Some people put them in a closet on a schedule to control the blooms.

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